E-Learning and Slideshow Videos

Sometimes, all you need is the right images, the right text, and the right voice.  With solid experience as a writer, voiceover artist, and video producer, not to mention 20 years of experience as a teacher, I’m happy to help.

Below, you’ll find samples of my work in a variety of styles, from traditional e-learning courses, to Powerpoint slideshow videos, to PBS-style documentaries.  Enjoy!

Orientation Video: Historic Site

 “This is amazing, just plain amazing work.  I can’t thank you enough.  The narration is great, the animations work wonders, and it’s just an all-around first-rate product.” – Sean Blinn, President, Board of Trustees, Friends of the Vanderveer House

I narrated and produced this orientation video for the historic Vanderveer House  in New Jersey.  They’d originally come to me with a carefully-researched script and a Powerpoint presentation to welcome new visitors.

I gave them several design options, and transformed their Powerpoint into an engaging orientation video that’s been met with some rave reviews.  One of the first guests to see it said it was “just like something you would see on PBS.”  I call that a definite success!

By the way, I’ve been a tour guide in Gettysburg and a Civil War storyteller for more than ten years… but this is the first time my video work and my history work have crossed paths.  I hope it’s not the last!

Photo Slideshow: Seminar for Historical Administration

I narrated and produced this promotional slideshow for the Seminar for Historical Administration, a professional-development program for museum and history professionals.

In this case, the client wrote the script and chose the photos.  I fine-tuned the script a little, swapped some photos around to make a more effective presentation, recorded the voiceover, and produced the video from there.  So, not a particularly complex project, but definitely a video style I wanted to be sure to include here.

Slideshow: Cadence Skyscape Watch

I’ve completed several video-editing projects for the Cadence Watch Company over the past few years.

But for their New York Skyscape watch, where each number on the watch face represents a famous building in Manhattan, they wanted for a photo slideshow featuring the actual buildings.  So my role this time was to research the buildings, write the script, find public-domain photos, create the slideshow, doing the narration, and put it all together.

I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out–and so was Cadence.

Video Course: McGrath Enterprise SEO

Most of my videos are short: 90 seconds, 3 minutes, 5 at the most.  But in this case, I was asked to take an existing e-book and use it as the script for a very simple, affordable, Powerpoint-based video course.

This is one section of one chapter.  In all, I created a little over two hours of material… and the client promptly hired me again to add 4 more hours to the course.

Slideshow: Ambassador Promotions

I’ll freely admit, this one was a challenge. Ambassador Promotions and Events, a company that does one-on-one marketing (like street teams, trade show staffing, and in-store promotions), conducts on-the-street surveys, and so forth, waas just about to spin off from their parent company. All they really had for me to work with, were a few dozen photos of their teams (mostly from a distance), and a list of the clients their staff had worked with in the past.

I honestly wasn’t sure how to turn those materials into an effective video… until I noticed two of the photos in particular, obviously taken seconds apart. First, a member of the street team hands something to a passing pedestrian. And then that pedestrian stops dead in his tracks, turns back, and BEAMS.

I’ve already talked on this site about my love of telling stories. Well, that right there? That’s a story. I knew I had to make the video about that moment.